Friday, February 19, 2010

TGIF! Is there something in my Eye?

First off let me start by saying thank god it's Friday. Although I would not consider myself a religious man, I'm still going to thank god because I feel like my wishes have come true. What I find funny is that I really have no reason to wish for the weekend. I did not study hard, I didn't work out hard, or have a busy week in general; I think I just need a mental and emotional break. I hate to say it, but I don't think the weekend can cure that.
Upon waking up this morning everything seemed to be standard about my day except for one thing, my right eye was bugging me. It felt like I had a piece of a potato chip or moon rock stuck under my eyelid. I went about my day taking my shower, brushing my teeth etc. expecting this nagging reminder to go away. After several attempts to rid this annoying fellow I just tried to ignore it. That is way harder then it seems. It's like a little kid poking at his mom saying,

It still was stealing my attention while I am trying to learn about velocity and acceleration of a projectile in my Bio-mechanics Lab which I already struggle in, let alone dealing with an eye-terrorist. I soon decided the best way to go about it was to just close the problem eye and pretend I was a pirate who lost his eye at sea, but even blinking with the good eye irritates the neighboring eye. I felt paralyzed. All I could think of amongst -9.81 m/s/s (acceleration) was Ben Stein saying Clear Eyes in that monotone voice. Him washing off the beach ball which is to represent the problem eye and all the relief that comes with it. Class ends and with each step back to my house I feel as if I would do anything for relief. Stick a plunger to my eye and suck it out? Sure. Fork my eye, take it out and put it in the oven at 350 for an hour and a half? When do we eat!
Although I did not have the actual brand "Clear Eye's", I thought the off-brand should suffice. After dripping what amounted to a small waterfall of eye drops in my eye, it seemed I was going to have to deal with this handicap for the remainder of my life. I decided to put my contacts in and just live with the fact that I was going to suffer from a life altering injury. I proceeded on with my day, making coffee, cleaning up and noticed something... the culprit in my eye had fled the crime scene. I was no longer praying to Ben Stein, or imagining myself as pirate with an eye patch (although I have always wanted a talking parrot resting on my shoulder). I guess time (and some praying to Ben Stein) cures everything.

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