Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blogs related to P.E.

After discovering what a blog really was I realized that there was infinite amounts of voices out there to be heard. I have found that those voices in forms of blogs can also help to mold my ever evolving mind in the subject of my major, Physical education. I tried to search for blogs related to my major on this site, but to be honest I could not really figure it out. Luckily for me there is, so I just searched that and found a great blog by a guy named Dick Moss of His blog not only provides many new methods of teaching, but also everyday experiences that he has in his classroom.
One of his posts titled, "We Must Teach Students That Walking is a Form of Transportation" is a great way to incorporate fitness into an everyday activity. I especially enjoyed reading this post because it shows that fitness is involved with everyday activities and just by noticing it, we can better our fitness. Transportation for most middle class Americans, including myself, usually involves something with a motor. After coming to college I noticed that walking was the main type of transportation (just behind a bicycle) mainly because college students can't afford a car let alone parking passes. I feel like my idea of getting somewhere has changed due to this and I now think in terms of walking and what it can do for my health. I believe it is important to remind our students the impact of fitness in everyday life so that when time comes to make choices, they can make the right ones.
Another post I was interested in reading was one titled, "Physical Education Excuse Notes Can Make Your Day" . I think that this post shows the great versatility of this blog by revealing the comical side to being a physical educator. These types of posts blended with great information makes me as a reader, much more likely to read a blog of this caliber. I will Commit this to memory, and try to incorporate something similar into my blog. Thanks Dr. Moss.

1 comment:

  1. I have also seen this same blog, both for this class and in the past. I think its a really great source. The best part is the fact that there are posts that cover a variety of topics, the versitility, as you said. It goes from health to sports to the classroom and so on. Great source
